You can search for the following objects in Workfront:

  • Projects
  • Tasks
  • Issues
  • Reports
  • Users
  • Templates
  • Documents
  • Portfolios
  • Programs
  • Dashboards
  • Companies
  • Notes

The fields available for search are based on the type of search: Basic or Advanced Search.

  • Basic Search: When searching for objects in a basic search, Workfront looks for text that might contain your keywords in the following fields:

    • Object names
    • Descriptions
    • Custom data fields
    • Updates
    • Document names (in specific document searches and in a basic search)

    For more information about basic searching in Workfront, see Basic Search in this article.

  • Advanced Search: In an Advanced Search, you can set up filters to search fields not available in basic search. Therefore, Advanced Search allows you to search any field in the object.

    For more information about Advanced Search, see Advanced Search in this article.

To perform an Advanced Search, you must select the Advanced Search option when beginning your search. You cannot refine a basic search into an Advanced Search.

Understand limitations of Workfront searches

Consider the following limitations when using Search in Workfront:

  • Searches are not case-sensitive
  • Workfront does not correct or understand typos
  • Searching in Workfront does not support Wildcards
  • Searching in Workfront supports partial word searches, but does not support substring searches.
    For example, the search keyword “stand” would return results including the word “standard” but would not return results including the word “understand.”

Search for multiple words

When you include multiple words in a search and you want to find only objects that match all of the words in the Search box, you can type the words in any order.

For example, searching for “Marketing Demo” (without quotation marks) finds objects with the following names:

  • Marketing Demo
  • Demo Marketing
  • January Market Analysis Demo

It also finds objects that might have “Marketing” in the name and “Demo” in the description.

However, you can do the following in the Search box to adjust the search results that appear:

Include quotation marks

Entering words in the correct order inside of double quotation marks allows you to find only objects that are an exact match.
For example, searching for "Marketing Demo" (with quotation marks) finds objects with the following names:

  • Marketing Demo
  • January Marketing Demo
  • Marketing Demo Plan

However, this search would not find an object with the name "Demo Marketing."

Include OR

Connecting words by "OR" (without quotation marks) allows you to find only objects that match at least one of the words in the Search box. These words can be entered in any order.
For example, searching for "Marketing OR Demo" (without quotation marks) finds objects with the following names:

  • Market Analysis Demo
  • January Market Analysis Demo
  • Demo
  • Market Analysis

Note: "OR" must be in all caps. Otherwise, it is interpreted as another word in the phrase you are searching for.

Include AND

Connecting words by "AND" (without quotation marks) allows you to find only objects that match all words in the Search box. These words can be entered in any order.
For example, searching for "Marketing AND Demo" (without quotation marks) finds objects with the following names:

  • Marketing Demo
  • Demo Marketing
  • January Market Analysis Demo

Note: "AND" must be in all caps. Otherwise, it is interpreted as another word in the phrase you are searching for. Likewise, including "&" (without quotation marks) searches only for objects that include the ampersand character.